Wall Sculpture
“Sculptural wall constructions that play with light and form to conflate virtual and physical spaces creating novel universes both micro and macro….”
Sway. Shift, an ongoing series, comprises shifting, layered, abstract landscapes using transparent materials and projected lights to create contemplative, meditative spaces. In these map-like sculptural objects reminiscent of fantastical hybrid plant species, material and form coalesce into an abstract visual language of color, transparency, translucency, and reflectivity.
Inspired by nature and natural processes such as energy flow and nutrient cycles, my creative practice is rooted in my personal experiences growing up by the ocean. For the past several years I have developed my work to echo patterned beauty and shaped cycles of plant evolution. Focusing on the underwater environment, my work often explores how issues of seaweed cultivation, ocean farming and food security can improve our lives.
My process often begins with collecting seaweed and creating pressings in community settings- incorporating the act of nurturing and stewardship into the creative process as a way to connect personal, community and universal themes. Disparate elements intersect to evoke ancient and contemporary rituals and cycles of growth, consumption, renewal and reflection.
I work with layered, synthetic materials and light to echo organic processes as a way to visualize our relationship to the environment and more broadly- our place in the universe. Each work is a personal meditation that gives material presence to intangible, fleeting ideas and notions.
All works pictured below are mixed media sculptural wall constructions created from various combinations of plexiglas, birch plywood, adhesive gels, Mylar, acrylic paint and mediums, urethane, with found, up-cycled and repurposed items—mined from my studio and beyond.
Dimensions vary with lighting conditions and therefore artworks often transform with each installation.
Ruby. State #5. 2020
Ruby. State #1. 2020
Microburst, 42 × 29 × 12 in. 2020, State #2, 2022
Detail. Microburst
Severed. 48 × 33 in. 2020, State #2, 2022
Detail. Severed. 2020-22
Ruby Glow. State #4, 2020 Click for more views
Dross. 41 × 29 in. 2020
Salpa Blush. 2020.
Salpa Blush. DETAIL. 2020.
Sway. Shift. Alcove 2017
Sway. Shift. Flight. 2018
Sea Rose. 2018. Private Collection
Sea Rose. Detail View 2018. Private Collection
Ruby. 2020
Ruby. 2020. detail
Sway. Shift. Flow 1. 2018. Private Collection
Sway. Shift. Flow 1- Detail. 2018. Private Collection
Sway. Shift. Flow variation. 2018
Sway Shift. Awash. 2018
Sway Shift. Awash. 2018 detail
Sway Shift. Merge. 2017
Detail. Sway. Shift. Merge. 2017
Sway. Shift. Inf Formation. 2018
Sway. Shift. Inform. 2018 Detail 1
Sway. Shift. In Formation. 2018 Detail 2
Sway. Shift. Algae . 2018 (view 1)
Sway. Shift. Algae. 2018. View 2
Swish. 35 x 28 x 6”. 2018. Private Collection
Six Pack Rings (yellow). 2017
Six Pack Rings. Detail. 2017
Six Pack Rings (blue). 2017
Frond. 2018
SwayShift. 2017
Sway. Shift. Specimen #3. 2018
Sway. Shift. Specimen #4.. Detail View 2018 Private Collection
Sway. Shift. Specimen #4. 2018 Private Collection
Six Pack Ring. (green)
Sway. Shift. Amidst. 2018
Sway. Shift. Amidst. 2018
Sway. Shift. 2018 Private Collection
Sway. Shift. 2018 Detail view. Private Collection
Sway. Shift. Specimen #2. 2017
Sway. Shift. Blue Wave. 2018 27 x 32 x 5" (unlit) 32 x 36 x 5" (with lighting, dimensions variable)
Sway. Shift. Algae. State 3. view 1. 2017
Sway. Shift. Algae. State 3. view 2. 2017
Sway. Shift. Orange Wave. 2018. view 1
Sway. Shift. Orange Wave. 2018. view 2
Sway. Shift. Orange Wave. 2018. view 3
Leaves. 2018
Leaves #2
Leaves 2 detail. 2018