Sway.Shift. Sea Garden.
Sway. Shift. Sea Garden (Version 12.0) is a meandering community-enhanced synthetic art installation assembled from abstracted seaweed- inspired forms. Suspended from greenhouse rafters, amidst the rows of hanging baskets, the artwork aims to spark a visual conversation about the relationship between agriculture and ocean farming while highlighting local initiatives to grow underwater 3-D restorative sea gardens that address issues of food security and the environment.
This project is made possible by a 2016 Regional Arts Initiative Grant with support from the Shoreline Arts Alliance in partnership with the Department of Economic and Community Development /Connecticut Office of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Many thanks to the Branford Community Dining Room, Branford Library and Vista Life Innovations for their enthusiasm and involvement.
Process of making Sway Shift Sea Garden
Behind the scenes…
Related community engagement projects included seaweed pressing workshops with families at Branford Community Kitchen and Vista LIfe Innovations. We started out observing local seaweed specimens and created seaweed pressing and drawings from them. Additional projects included cyanotypes and digital collages. Art enthusiasts at Vista Life Innovation helped me prepare some of the sections that subsequently were installed at Vaiuso Farms.